Saturday, July 18, 2009

Morning Sickness during pregnancy: Symptoms & Remedies

The first symptom that made me wonder if I was pregnant was morning sickness. Yesterday I again felt a bit queasy towards the evening and it made me wonder if I was pregnant again. Though there are high chances of my being pregnant again, there are equally high chances of it being a case of indigestion. As I wondering about this, I realized once again how bad my morning sickness had been - it wasn't only 'morning' - it continued throughout the day. Feeling a bit better today, I decided to research more about this phenomenon.


a. Nobody is clear and sure about what causes morning sickness. However, a variety of reasons can be attributed to it. Firstly the chemical changes in the body along with the hormonal changes give not only an acute sense of smell but also heaps of stomach acids. This may lead to nausea.

b. Progesterone hormone is quite high during time pregnancy. This reduces the working of the uterine muscles to prevent early labours. The effect may also be carried to the stomach and the intestines, thereby slowing down the digestion process causing nausea.

c. Human Chorionic Gonadotopin (HCG) levels in the body increase during pregnancy and it is said that this may also contribute to morning sickness.

The Psychological factor:

Statistics show that women who need to work for their living and those who don't have anyone to pamper them don't seem to suffer much from morning sickness as compared to their counterparts. So, the question arises whether morning sickness is just a psychological illness. Recently, doctors have proven that this is absolutely false. Morning sickness might have a bit of psychology behind it but it is definitely not an illness from the mind.

Morning sickness Benefits:

One benefit of morning sickness seen in studies is that most women who suffer from it don't have miscarriages. So, maybe you should celebrate it! (But, I can't...!)

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