Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Parenting by the Book

Most people who browse through my library at home are surprised by the number of parenting books that sit on the shelves. Frequently, I hear the remark, “You read all this? You cannot parent by learning from a book!” I am happy that they at least realise that parenting is a learning experience. Maybe, I haven’t learned as much from the books as from experience but the books have played an invaluable role in shaping me as a parent. Another school of thought is that there is something wrong with my kids and that I seek help through the books. Thankfully, these folks never had the guts to say this to my face or their eyes would have turned as black as their thoughts.

Why does an entrepreneur read books on leadership? Why does a writer read books on character development and dialogue? Why does a doctor read his monthly medical journal? Not because they are failures in their field or lack the knowledge in the technical aspects! They may not even learn much from the books as what they learn through experience. Still, they read for one simple reason. The same reason why I turn to parenting books. INSPIRATION.

When my elder son has lost ten erasers in two weeks of school or when my younger one has yet again upturned the five kilos of flour, I tend to lose perspective. I forget why I had decided to have children in the first place. I take a time-out and sit with one of my favourite parenting books. Then, I read that almost all toddlers are messy and have no sense of value and that parents need to have sensible expectations. (Toddler Taming by Dr Christopher Green) Immediately, my temper seems to ease away and the mass of mess that awaits me seems manageable. I recall reading about how we can make play dough at home with flour. I wonder where I read that! Was it in ‘What to expect in the toddler years’ or was it ‘501 TV – free activities for kids’? By now, I have completely forgotten about my bad mood. The kids have turned up to pull me away from my time-out. I accept the apologies and we have a pleasure-filled day making a huge bulk of clay.

Parenting was never meant to be the lonely, tiring and depressive job that it has become today. Earlier, entire villages united to raise every child. The parents got frequent breaks, the kids were adequately pampered and parenting counsellors were round every corner. However, now days, parenting has turned to this challenge that you need to face alone. You are judged if you leave your kids in day-care or if you have a nanny, especially if you are a stay-at-home mom. The remarks and judgements are scary and hurtful that you do not want to seek help.

In case, you decide to seek help from a counsellor for your kid’s behaviour and your expectations, all hell breaks loose! We are still living in a society which believes that a person would seek psychological help only when they are psychotic.  This is just like telling that you need to see a doctor only when you have cancer and not when you have fever. The mind is such an important part of our body and when we tweak our parenting thoughts just a little bit at times, the changes in our kid’s behaviour are tremendous.

It is here that these books are such a blessing. They cannot judge you, they do not talk behind your back and they lend you a sympathetic shoulder and say, “I understand what you are going through but think of that little being whose whole world revolves around you. Respect him, love him and see the world through his eyes.” They show us the world through their eyes.

Sometimes, I have received the greatest of parenting advice from the fiction I read. Doris Lessing (Nobel Prize Laureate) has written many wonderful books but the greatest one among them, according to me, is ‘The Fifth Child’. It is definitely not a book for the faint hearted. However, she beautifully shows us that the greatest gift we can give our kids is to accept them as they are and love them in spite of what they are. This is the toughest challenge for parents but we can do it. Thanks to all the lovely books that will inspire and motivate us on the way!

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